Forgiveness is hard, we all have experienced this before.
When we get hurt or upset or maybe even just stressed and feeling pushed to the edge, we must keep ourselves in check and ask ourselves and HIM, where is this feeling coming from, Lord is this mine or someone else's, how do I deal with it?
That grudge your holding, that 'thing' someone said to you years ago in high school that really hurt, that 'thing' your sibling said out of anger you think you'll never be able to forget, that one thing he did or didn't do the exact second you asked him to....
These are such small things and sometimes we let all the small things build up and turn into something bigger. If we stop ourselves in the moment and remember what the Lord would want us to do in that exact moment it is simply to forgive and move on, drop it and continue in love.
Forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven us!
As cheesy as it is we must often think before responding WWJD? Is this not the only way to lead a life honoring him, living and acting as he did.... that includes forgiveness.