Psalm 126:5-6 NIV
5 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.6 Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.
Psalm 126:5-6 is a prayer that mentions the sowing tears and the reaping of the joy that follows. This can be applicable to the people then and us now, when you sow to the spirit and yet still experience sorrow or sorrowful times, they can be because of the small yeses we make or those inward corruptions and the enemies' temptations. However, they (we) can still reap reward, comfort and life in heaven when staying steadfast in our faith.
("Sow to the Spirit" meaning actively taking the actions and steps in all aspects of your life that continue to grow you spiritually, actively making decisions that honor God and show His character.)
In Psalm 126 we also see mentioned:
Joyful Remembrance (Verses 1-3)
The Psalmist tells of the time when the Lord restored Zion, he brought forth Singing and laughter back to the people. The nations neighboring them took notice of this Prodigious act as the work of God, which reestablished and reinforced the people's faith and joy.
Prayer for Renewed Blessings (Verses 4-6)
In a period of reflecting on what had happened in the past, the Psalmist pleads to God for
While reflecting on the past, the Psalmist turns to God with a plea for repair once again. The Lord gives mercy and then we see the mention of sowing and reaping, we see that even when they may go through seasons and sow with tears of hardship, the people will still be able to access and reap with the songs of joy. This song celebrates a merciful deliverance brought on from the Lord. Which causes the people of Israel wonder at and find themselves in a time of rejoicing in redemption and hoping for continued blessings.
This beautiful passage tells us and reminds us of restoration, hope and faithfulness.
It teaches us that even in seasons of hardships or sorrow, those of us who push on persistently to sow those seeds of faith will end up being the same ones who reap the harvest of joy. The tears that we may shed during difficult times we are promised will turn to songs of joy and harvest, if we do our parts.
This is a powerful reminder that our hardships are not to no purpose, they will aways lead to something greater that was preplanned for us.